Sunday, January 22, 2006

rains of seattle

The Boxtop Challenge

I don't know much about Gary, Indiana but I recently came across a blog pointing me here, and I felt I should post the link as well.

The thrust of it is that the schools there are badly underfunded, and by clipping a few of the coupons from certain cereals and other goods and sending them on over you can help get up to $20,000.

Elizabeth made Chex mix and so that alone yielded a few of the coupons. If you're a cereal eater at all (or use 'zip loc' bags - there's more on the boxtops for education web site, do send in as many as you can.

It's kind of funny that last night I bought a centennial edition of 'the virtue of selfishness' and now I wrote this.

The blog link once more: Chepner's House: Chepner's Boxtop Challenge

Thursday, June 16, 2005


As you may recall from last year, June 16 is Bloomsday, an event marking the anniversary of the day set in the novel Ulysses, by James Joyce. You can read Ulysses for free online, thanks to Project Gutenberg. I just read today in the English Wikipedia that June 16th was the date of James Joyce's first date with his wife. Could he be more romantic?

Today is my next to last shift at work. From here on out it's all at-home work, at least until the point that I may get a full-time job.

Monday, June 06, 2005

goobie bear and boston bear.

My brother lives in Boston at the moment and so was able to secure this lovely bear for me. Thanks to his girlfriend I got it in the mail today. Yay for Michael and Lisa!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

i am a super dork

it took me over forty four hours of playing but now i can trade pokemon between kanto and hoenn region.

i'm ready for emerald, that means. i can take all of my pokemon over to the new game. i'm going to sleep in.

Friday, March 11, 2005


happy annibearsary, pizoopy. one year!

I STILL don't know about the job. now they're giving me another week to really seriously make the decision. there are other people who applied. hopefully they are dumb and dumber.

on the plus side i finally found my siddur. just when i bought two more.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

15 hours

let's see. there's 24 hours in a day. yet somehow today i worked 15 hours. how is that? well I started working at six a.m. and finished at nine p.m.

as of when i'm going to go lay down to read a little and go seepy, i'm on daf 7a. that's just downright pathetic. i should be at the end of daf 9 now.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

groobly bear

I'm only up to daf 6b right now. aaaargh! tomorrow is daf 9 - how am I going to catch up? I'm probably going to have to do a lot of catching up this shabbos.

I really hope I get this job at corporate. Have I mentioned that? I need some form of job security. Something like what it seems my friend Christopher has. I don't feel like I have job security with wizmall. He doesn't give me any sense of security at all. It's more like, any time I could replace you with a kollel housewife. Well, that's just great. Hire a kollel housewife, pay her $10 an hour, and put me out of work. I'm sure that will fly over really well at the beis din in shemaim.

I got the peddie school directory today. $85 for this little thing? geepers. I hope a lot of it went for alumni stuff and not the printing of the book.

in other news we now have a dreamcast. shh this is good because brandon has about 185 games that somehow i can also have while he is still having them... if i should want them... and should find myself with a "spindle" as it were... $25 dreamcast. nice.

the rabbi wants to get us into yu-gi-oh! because the family apparently plays it. well i say he can get down with pokemon instead. maybe i'll surprise him with a starter deck. great activity for shabbos kodesh. that, and going over the daf.